Teresa Porzecanski: on her fiction (by Gloria Salbarrey)
Gloria Salbarrey. Teresa Porzecanski: on her fiction. Porzecanski´s research and academic pursuits have produced several essays on systems of beliefs and minority identities. In addition she has participated in collective books, whose edition she has sometimes coordinated herself. Very prestigious newspapers have published her articles about culture and social issues. However her most interesting facet is developed in her fiction writing which has been widely rewarded. In her novels Porzecanski repeatedly deals with several subjects, situations and types of characters that appear to be concluded in each book but have no final shape in the mind of the novelist. Some texts of her previous narrative reemerge in the titles of some of her later works, as examples of intertextuality. The writer wants to describe ordinary people in their own background: boarding houses, second rate hotels, rooms for rent, dark dirty attics and any place where life seems to deal with violence,